The technocrats suffer from character defects which have to do with their inability to maintain any links between reason, common sense and morality.1
— John Ralston Saul
P-Nut’s story is to send a message to Americans and global citizens that during the next pandemic, “you won’t be secure in your houses or protected against unreasonable searches and seizures,” and neither will your pets.2
— Karen Kingston
The obvious line to take on this is that the government can’t seem to prevent illegal migrants from pouring across our various borders (indeed, it subsidizes them), while it will go all hands on deck to assassinate an illegal squirrel and his raccoon friend, but this is just anarchotyranny for you.3
— John Carter
Saul, John Ralston, Voltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the West, The Free Press, Macmillan, Inc., New York, N.Y., 1992. p. 106
Kingston, Karen, "State Seizes and Kills House Pets Due to 'Potential Viral Infection'", The Kingston Report, November 3, 2024, Source
Carter, John, "Squirrel!," Postcards from Barsoom, November 3, 2024, Source
Damn evil humans who hurt innocent animals!!
Hey, great quote from Voltaire's Bastards. I read it many years ago and only recall it was kind of a mixed bag of pithy, liberal commentary with a somewhat Malthusian undercurrent. Or something.