Never Forget — The Audition
If you want to know what the Comedic Elite think of you, remember their antics during the fake pandemic.
“Have a seat. Let’s see,” the man said looking at some papers. “You’re Alfred North?”
“Well, you got a pretty good resume here. Let’s see, danced at a couple of Super Bowls. Okay. Wow, the Emmys and the Oscars?”
“Impressive. Well, here’s what we’re looking for. You’ll be wearing a costume. It’s a vaccine costume. Actually, you’ll look like a syringe.”
“You mean like a needle?”
“Yeah, you’ll have a long needle on your head, but your body will be the vial, you know, the part that holds the vaccine.”
“You’ll look…well, like a syringe. Like a Covid shot.”
“Ohhhhhhh…kay. So this is a kid’s show?”
“Well, no, not a kid’s show.”
“Some kind of humorous commercial?”
“No, not a commercial. It’s for a late night comedy show.”
“So it is humorous? Some kind of skit?”
“Well, kinda, sorta, we are trying to convince people to get vaccinated.”
“Well, yeah.”
“And you want me to dance dressed up as a Covid vaccine?”
“Yeah, that’s the basic idea.”
“This isn’t like some kind of prank video channel, is it?”
“No, no, nothing like that. It’s for the Stephen Colbert Report.”1
“Colbert? Really? Wow…that’s interesting.”
“Here’s the costume. Just try it on and come out and show us what you can do.”
“Nah, I think I’ll pass on this. Thanks.”
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, “The Vax-Scene - The Box Set”, YouTube, accessed on August 24, 2023. YouTube Source
I forced myself through about a half of the video and could take no more.
It's unusual to find oneself in an agreement with a YouTube commenter, but this might have indeed been the lowest point in human history.
You can't see it if you don't watch. Never seen a second of these so-called comedians and haven't watched SNL since '82.