Some Risks by Bob Moran. Used by permission. View or Buy Print.
Indeed, when security is understood in too absolute a sense, the general striving for it, far from increasing the chances of freedom, becomes the gravest threat to it.
— Friedrich A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom
We have seven chickens. These are not just ordinary chickens, these are Buff Orpingtons, some of the friendliest chickens around. They're more like cats than chickens. On warm afternoons my wife and I will sometimes sit on the back deck each with a chicken on our lap, most likely Henny Penny and Buttercup (Yes, we are Princess Bride fans). They'll talk to us, settle right in and sometimes go to sleep.
Henny Penny and Buttercup
Some months ago we had nine chickens. We lost one to a bobcat. I know this because I watched it carry our chicken over the back fence. The other we're not sure what got it. Might have been a bobcat but it could have just as easily been a coyote. We are surrounded by wildlife here in San Diego's east county: squirrels, rabbits, bobcats, coyotes, owls, hawks, crows, lizards, snakes, quail, road runners and many, many other types of birds. We didn't enjoy losing those chickens.
A couple of months ago I happened to see a coyote in our backyard going after our chicken, Vera. As quickly as I could I opened the door and yelled for our dog, a boxer/pit bull mix. She bolted out the door barking, the coyote dropped the chicken and went over the back fence with our dog in hot pursuit and barking wildly, something she continued to do for the next hour. Vera was a little worse for wear: bleeding some from her back leg, limping quite a bit and, understandably, a bit shaken. We were not sure she was going to make it. She settled into my wife's lap with her head tucked under my wife's arm and talking a steady stream about her close call with death.
Vera looking rather majestic and fully healed.
We sprayed her wound with hydrogen peroxide a couple of times, something Vera was not happy about and waited to see the results. Over the next few days Vera slowly improved. Her limp went away and she began eating regularly. Vera healed completely and is now back to her old self. Though not the most affectionate of the group, she has ended up on my lap a couple times since then. I like to think she's saying thank you.
The fenced in portion of our backyard is probably about half-an-acre. Our chicken coop is rather small: four by eight feet. We made the decision when we first got the chickens to leave them out during the day even though it is more dangerous. We figured they would enjoy their lives more outside with the risk than they would inside even if more safe and secure.
You know where I'm going with this, so I'll let you fill in the blanks.
Enjoy your freedom.
P.S. As a side note, upon finishing this essay with the chicken photos and just before posting it, I received a newsletter from Dr. Malone, entitled....wait for it...."Caged animals are safe, but it is not much of a life." I'm not kidding! Seriously, just as I was getting ready to post Malone’s email came in. I think that means we’re winning!
This article also appears on my website, The Asylum. The website also has several things that are not possible to do on Substack: The World Economic Forum Members Reference (thanks to Dr. Malone), Red State/Blue State reference showing Senate and House percentages by party affiliation, quotes, a large resources section, a robust search feature and some other things unique to the site: quizzes, word games and leaked communications. These latter three are satirical and funny, at least in my mind, but you'll have to be the ultimate judge on that.
As much as I wish I could, I can't believe we have a snowball's chance in hell of winning this.
Well, you may be right, but I'm not willing to go there yet. The upcoming election should tell us a lot. It should be landslide victories for conservatives, if it's not, if the Biden regime keeps both the house and senate we'll know the cheating is too embedded to win....and everyone on our side will have to rethink some things. I do think that if the excess mortality and side effects from the vaccines become so great that the MSM has to acknowledge it....that that may be the straw the breaks the camels back. There are some indications that this is happening as I'm sure you know.