Subscriptions, the Daily Grind and Revelations
Don't worry, I'm not asking for my elite group of subscribers to do anything.
I don’t have any plans to open up paid subscriptions to my now 150 subscribers. Thank you, by the way, I appreciate the moral support. I like to look at you as part of a very exclusive club.
This is not my day job, nor have I ever wanted it to be my day job. One of the reasons I don’t want paid subscribers (and thank you to the two of you who have pledged monetary support) is I don’t want to feel obligated to put out content. I think there’s going to be a dry spell here probably until next year.
Because the economy has hit us hard (as it has probably done to some or many of you) I’ve been scrambling to increase our business (my wife and I write homeschool curriculum that we sell in the form of books). My other business has totally tanked.
I started my website, The Asylum, and then this Substack by the same name because I wanted to help, because I wanted to get involved. I’m angry about what’s happening.
I was never involved politically until 2016 and then I still had a rather normie view of everything.
But the last 4 years have rocked my world in ways I could have never foreseen. Probably many of you have been here for a long time. I remember my father-in-law’s Dad talking to me about the Federal Reserve and the Rockefellers and who knows what else and I remember thinking he was just a crazy old man.
Now I joke with my father-in-law: “Your Dad was right all along.” He nods as he also has seen his ideas change in the last 4 years.
I don’t trust the government. I don’t trust any public agency. I think most politicians are compromised in some way. I think JFK was killed by our government. I think 911 was an inside job. I think there are dozens of Psyops going on all the time. The vaccines are bioweapons…I could go on.
Five years ago if you had told me I’d think these things I’d have said you were crazy.
I’ll even entertain flat earth philosophy if for no other reason than I’m told emphatically not to.
Anyway, thanks everyone for subscribing. I hope to put out a book next year, but not sure I’ll have time in the midst trying to make ends meet.
This is part of it, right? They destroy the economy, or at least large sectors of it to make more people dependent on them. Our clientele are not wealthy so they’re cutting costs too and hence our business suffers. They hate the self-employed, because they want us working for them: the government or big corporations.
So now most of my time becomes a dash to make more money to keep our family afloat (please know, I’m not looking for sympathy…just looking at how this all works).
Have a great week and do not comply.
The Inmate
Thank you for your writings and best of luck getting things sorted out. We're self-employed and are seeing our part of the economy roll over, as well. Batten down the hatches and (trying to find) new revenue streams ahead!
Nice post, Inmate. I don't have paid subscriptions on for the same reason; the pressure to deliver a service for those who have paid would take the purity out of posting for our own journeys and our attempts to push back against this horrendous globohomo system choking the joy out of life. My eyes have opened a lot during the past couple of years as well; there's a spiritual awakening going on among those who are paying attention. I hope your businesses pick up, the homeschool model is definitely the right one for the world moving forward.