The Clamour Increases
You must accept that men can get pregnant. It's a demand, not a request and not something to be debated.
The definition of clamour from the Cambridge Dictionary:
to make a loud complaint or demand
Demands is what we're getting from the left. Not only do they want you to say that men can get pregnant, but like in 1984, they want, no, they demand that you accept it and believe it. You have to believe that children have the right to mutilate their bodies without parental consent. You have to "affirm" your fellow citizens with the correct pronouns. You have to accept obesity as an alternative, healthy lifestyle.
Mainstream culture's acceptance of these obvious untruths has been swift. As others have said, and I hope they're right, our governments and elites are frantic because they know the curtain is being pulled back and they've had little time to dress appropriately.
What is a woman? What is a man? Can a man get pregnant? These are simple answers if you have not been propagandized.
If they can get you to hesitate. If they can get you to avoid the obvious, correct answers because you're afraid, then they have you.
No. End of story.
Do Not Comply
You can see the original Glamour cover here.
Buy the book: I'm Nobody. Who Are You? Can We Save the World?
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This article also appears on my website, The Asylum. The website also has several things that are not possible to do on Substack: The World Economic Forum Members Reference (thanks to Dr. Malone), Red State/Blue State reference showing Senate and House percentages by party affiliation, quotes, a large resources section, a robust search feature and some other things unique to the site: quizzes, word games and leaked communications. These latter three are satirical and funny, at least in my mind, but you'll have to be the ultimate judge on that.
I categorically and emphatically refuse to accept the left's imbecilic social construct... I will NOT comply!