EXACTLY!!! We have no government of the people, by the people, for the people... we haven't for a long long time, and that's IF we ever did. The Legislative Branch is gone. The Judicial Branch is gone... And the Executive Branch... LMFAO!!! We have no 4th Estate. Not anymore. Our media is nothing but the voice box for the totalitarian State that seeks to use, abuse and rule over us for it's own profit and power kicks. No one has ever said it better than George Carlin said it decades ago, "It's a Big Club, and you ain't in it!".... https://youtu.be/Nyvxt1svxso ...

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May 10, 2023Liked by The Inmate

A few months ago, this dawned on me too. I amended my usual three strikes rule.

Any outlet or talking head that uses these phrases in their headlines, gets probation, then a warning and then deletion from my list of sources. It has definitely improved my time management, awareness, and maybe even productivity.

The only question remaining is, is there a viable alternative that will rise to a position of power able to make positive change? Or will we (or more likely surviving generations) have to rebuild after society burns itself to the ground trying to stay warm?

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I think we need to rebuild. I just don't see any other way.

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May 10, 2023Liked by The Inmate

Before, or after?

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I wish I knew...I suspect after, but I hope for before.

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Call me a pessimist, but I'm convinced it's going to culminate in something resembling your 2nd option.

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You'll learn to do it the waythe rest of the world does it:

Evade and avoid governement/the state as much as you can in all matters. Don't challenge power, learn to think like this:

"How do I manipulate things so it profits me and the state at the same time, in such a way that the state leaves me alone or even invites me to the table?"

No ostentatious displays of defiance, ever. Always compliance in the face of power. Don't worry, power soon looks at someone else and you can go do whatever you want. Never accept blame, responsibility or care for anything than is yours.

Stick together a family and clan and consider all others as competitors or enemies. Always blame some state-sanctioned outsider target in public, no matter what you know for real.

In the long run, this above means the state and the nation and all its institutions be they private or public rots and collapses into degeneracy and corruption, and therefore exploitability and inefficiency; a failed state state, pardon the pun.

That's why so many nations, especially nearer the Equator, are the way they are. They have such along tradition of oppression everyone knows there's no point in trying to create anything above acertain level, because the clan(s) ruling the state will then see you as competition and attack you - so why bother?

Let it rot, speed the gangrene along, and standready to profit from the fall: then it's on you if you choose to try and build something for all afterwards, or just hoard for your own profit.

For good practical advice, speak with older russians, poles, romanians, palestinians, lebanese, ehtiopians et cetera: they all know how to live under corrupt tyranny.

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With the technology coming, with the worldwide tyranny attempting to be implemented, I don't think these options will work...if they worked at all. My gut reaction to this is, to hell with it. I'm not living that way. I don't know that "shrewd as serpents, innocent as doves" coincides with this type of philosophy. You, apparently, have experience with this type of rule and essentially, as an American, I do not. For better or worse I have no intention of complying in that way if I'm understanding you correctly. I have complied before in the sense of paying my taxes, following laws, etc., but I never felt my essential freedoms were at stake. This is the first time in my life where I have felt that. I simply do not want to capitulate, nor have to live like that. Admittedly my tune may change or I might end up dead. We shall see. After 65 years of freedom...I had a hard time reading your solution. It also doesn't seem to be working.

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May 10, 2023Liked by The Inmate

I have read your wisdoms before and agreed with many, but I can not this time.

As an American, I can not capitulate to living that way of life. I have visited Europe several times and as I grew older, each visit made me angrier that so many outside the US had accepted such a pitiful way of existence. And at the same time, until recently, I gained a greater appreciation for what was until recently, a unique and energizing country.

I will not be subjugated to quiet, passive serfdom. If that means the parasitic state ends, or it ends me, so be it. I can not go along for a ride to the slaughterhouse, just because it requires leas effort.

It has been said that about 1-3% of a population are willing to do what is necessary for the freedoms that the other 97% enjoy. I guess I am and will always be a minority, and I'm good with that.

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Well said, friend. Maybe there is something here for the rest of the world to learn from us, those of us who have lived free for most of our lives.

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I unerstand you both, but what you are missing is this: you cannot fight a rising tide.

Don't think the ideal of freedom unique to the US, or that we have some sort of sevitude-mindset, that's an error of analysis. What all europeans know, as a cultural instinct no matter the actual nationality/ethnicity, is when to hold'em, when to fold'em and when to walk away to borrow an american phrase.

We remain free precisely because we at best pay lip service if and when forced to do so, and only then. We know the drama and panoply of defiant freedom-fighters that so appeals to american sensibilities is just another narrative of control-when the "freedom fighters" are loyal to the system, they go into the military and cease to be a problem - the wolves made into sheepdogs; when they are disloyal the dramatic narrative acts like a beater, forcing them out in the open to be persecuted.

After all, if you are willing to die for your cause, you and your enemy share the same ultimate goal: your demise. Not a good strategy.

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You can fight a rising tide, at least the kind we’re discussing here.

Yes, knowing when to fight and when not to fight is good thing to learn, but never fighting is not the answer.

You say, “We remain free precisely because we at best pay lip service…”, but you’re not free. That’s the point. You’ve been living in an abusive relationship and are accepting things that free people will not accept: capitulating to the state’s requirements when you perceive that you have no choice.

Some things are worth dying for. You’re whole freedom fighters going into the military and suddenly becoming enemies, is illogical. It makes no sense. It’s as if you think the mindset to desire freedom and fight for it is itself detrimental and can only end badly.

What is the Biblical saying? “Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend.” I’ve probably misquoted, but you get the idea.

I think it is in The Gulag Archipelago where Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn talks about how easy it was for the state to come to someone’s home and take them a way to the Gulag. Solzhenitsyn said that if everyone put up a fight when they came, a real fight, it would not have lasted. If you’re going out to take someone to the Gulag and realize you might not come home to see your family, you might begin to think twice about it.

What will you do if the vaccine is required in your country? I don’t know, maybe you’re already vaxxed? Will you take the jab so as not be a “defiant freedom fighter”?

Compliance is NOT the answer. While America makes it descent into Totalitarianism, the world looks at a Globe without the influence of that last and freest country in the world. As I said earlier we are entering an entirely new paradigm and it is going to take massive non-compliance and civil disobedience to win.

It is my hope that we can stop America’s current descent into madness, but we won’t with the philosophy that you are espousing.

Defiance. Not Compliance.

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May 13, 2023Liked by The Inmate

There's that misunderstanding again: grandstanding equals losing, if you're not backed by a greater force already.

I've read Solzhenitsyn, and he knew full well that "everyone" does not put up a fight, humans simply do not work that way unless they are led by a leader they trust, share a collective belief and are willing to do violence to others and using force to have their way.

The Gulag example does not work because everyone knows the state can always bring more troops than you have friends. Samereason no whites in the US ever defends other whites being mobbed, raped and murdered by blacks. Notice that the reverse isn't true: the blacks have a collective identity, not an individualist one and a designated enemy that they tell each other it is morally right to dislike or hate: whites. Therefore, they stick together simply based on skin colour.

Whites, with their universalist, generalist and individualist beliefs in the dogma of freedom, liberty et cetera do not. Think about why - not the practical side but the socio-cultural and emotional one, because that one counts for more.

As for freedom, US citizens have far less freedom than any europeans, legal or cultural-wise. You are not free because you mistake the spectacle, the drama and the dogma for rality. Study the gypsies, they know how this works better than even the jews. Would claim jews are not a free people? No-one is free-er than gypsies because they see what a sham "the capitalist liberal democratic state" is.

Again, what I speak of is not compliance but simple intelligence. Tank-man in China, 1989, may look awesome and inspiring to us. What happened to him?

I am speaking of defiance, the same defiance every communist nation outside Asia was rife with. Lip-service. Going through the motions. Real loyalty to race, people and family - never the state or the party (or for the US, the corporations that owns you land). In swedish: Familj, Fränder, Folk, Fosterland. Family, friends, people (race in US parlance for some rather outdated reason), nation. Not state. Never state.

In the US, patriotism has since the Korean War been made to equal supporting the corporate state, hence the passage of wolves being made into sheepdogs. When the WW1 veterans marched, your nation's owners and taskmaster feared for their capitalist aristocratic hegemony for real, and vowed "Never again". So patriotism became made into loaylty to the corporate-state system, not to the people or the nation. Flash forward to the 1960s and not wanting to go kill vietnamese subsistence peasants was "unpatriotic" - there's your example of the above.

Sometimes, you must erode your opponents ability to engage. Take inspiration from the Moslem Brotherhood - not islam, but their startegy. Their goal is to establish a global califate, some day. Not tomorrow, not in a decade, maybe not this century even but someday. So everything they do is geared to that goal. If it serves purpose, it is good. If not, not.

Remember: if you are willing to die for your beliefs, you and your enemy have the same strategic objective.

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May 10, 2023Liked by The Inmate

In Sweden, freedom-loving opponents of our regime has said (since the 1950s) this:

"We're a democracy. We get to vote and then we get a socialist governement."

We say that because that's the way party democracy works, by necessity. If you haven't read Simone Weil's pamphlet on the topic (On the Abolition of All Political Parties) I really recommend it. It should be online for free, legally so, considering how old it is by now.

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The Fabians have destroyed the western world by using democracy as a ruse to subjugate the masses into compliance.

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