I hope we will one day get to the point where we say, "Leave us the hell alone" and the politicians will go off and take care of their own, and be thankful for what they have. And they will leave us alone. Is that asking too much?

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It's not, but I think we'll have to force them to do that. As Eric Hoffer has written (I'll be reviewing one of his books in the future), people who can't handle freedom...clamor for power.

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Referring to the comic panels at the end, I think every sane person would appreciate the righthand panel, and realize the lefthand panel is the extremely dysfunctional society of imbeciles and sociopaths, but that's what is obvious.

Your ideas are sound, however the fatal flaw is in the premise that "politicians" want to be helpful, to inspire productivity, freedom and societal growth. This is not the case at any level of western civ politics. The current mutation of politician is only about the power, the prestige, the money and all the other unmentionable proclivities of this clique. Name one who is not corrupt, whose interest is in a better society, whose altruism wants what is best for his fellow countrymen, I won't wait.

The wrecking ball analogy of the past days will have to happen. This fake facade of society is not just a little off, needing a slight correction. Our society has reached the perigee of the absurd inversion.

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At this stage of my life I do not believe that all "'politicians' want to be helpful, to inspire productivity, freedom and societal growth." This current regime is corrupt without a doubt. But I do disagree with you that ALL politicians are completely corrupt...at the highest levels...most, yes, but Trump is now a politician. That senator from Wisconsin, whose name escapes me, who has been on top of the vaccine issue, I would say is not...none are perfect, of course. We have the leaders of Argentina and El Salvador. Obviously we can't get in the head of everyone, so we look to what they are doing. I agree with you society needs a major correction.

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I guess my point is, until we as a country can separate the perks from the positions, the "oh I'm just a shrewd investor, I would never use my connections to make millions of dollars illegally" types from the offices which have been bastardized into a thousand little dictatorships, then the problem will continue.

The other separation that must happen is the "elect me" and "I will give you all a bunch of free shit" mentality that is dominating all levels of "governance" and "the governed".

As to Trump, he is playing the political game to try one last time to make American more like what it should be, than what it has become. It's an unfortunate thing that a person cannot get elected without fluffing, flattering and faking people out. I can see past that, accepting the ends justify the means, temporarily.

But thinking we can just say leave us alone, go do your job, to ANY person, at ANY level of government is naive. I have known far too many local government employees hired and elected, who were truly wanting to help, who ended their careers as slaves to the power, the money, the perks. No criminal becomes a saint by being asked nicely to "please leave me alone".

If we can make it past the purgatory of Nov 5th through Jan 20th in one piece, the goal must not be to "improve" our government or the parasitic politicians, it must be to dismantle the behemoth, castrate its cabals and king pins and never ever allow such a bastardization of power to exist. Then, maybe, they will leave us alone.

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I understand what you're saying now and I agree.

The thing that has bothered me the last four years is that I can't just live my life taking responsibility for my own successes and own failures as I have in the past. The government is getting so involved now that they are attempting to dictate what I can and can't do in my personal life: what I eat, where I live, etc.

So I am asserting....damn it....leave us the hell alone. But that is not going to happen unless we force them to leave us the hell alone—I agree. They have no intention of doing so and sitting around hoping that will happen is not a solution, or sitting around hoping Trump will save us, or that next big lawsuit will save us is not going to cut it.

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