MAGA Dump Run — Trash Day in The Asylum
"Any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy...struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with." — Douglas Adams
“We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism.”1
— Donald Trump
A line has been crossed. You’re either with the peaceful truckers or you are with the left wing fascists.2
— Donald Trump
Saving America from the globalists, and thus helping to make it great again, is our common task.3
— Alexander Dugin, The Great Awakening vs The Great Reset
von Hoffmeister, Constantin. Esoteric Trumpism Arktos Media Ltd. p. 65. Donald Trump, during a foreign policy speech in 2016.
Dixon-Hamilton, Jordan, "Trump at CPAC: ‘You’re Either with the Peaceful Truckers or You Are with the Left-Wing Fascists’", Brietbart, Feb. 26, 2022, Source
Dugin, Alexander, The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset, Arktos, London, 2021, Constantin von Hoffmeister, editor. p. 24/ Note: page numbers are from the digital version read on Apple "Books"
"...Sweet land of liberty..." <3
Encase it in reinforced concrete and bury it with the nuclear waste, then after he's ready, ask Elon to launch it into the sun!