"...Sweet land of liberty..." <3

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From every mountainside, let freedom ring!

I was singing it this morning.

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I think many of us were...or will !

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Encase it in reinforced concrete and bury it with the nuclear waste, then after he's ready, ask Elon to launch it into the sun!

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Wait. Do you have a time machine? You set this up weeks ago!

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In my other job....I do have a time machine, the H.G. Wells, I use it for teaching purposes and it comes in very handy. I cannot divulge whether or not I used it in this case.

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Jeff, here's the funny thing or strange thing about the time machine question. I do have a fictional time machine that I use in some of the books I write for homeschoolers....I use it to go back in time to talk with famous authors.....your question comes after the day that I basically completed compiling my author bios into one book where I often use the H.G. Wells (I have a spaceship too). It just seems strange? Funny? Coincidental? Providential? that you asked that question the day after the book was basically completed. I've been seeing a lot synchronicity like this lately...all kinds of little things...which has happened to me before but only one-offs...this has been happening almost everyday for the last 3 or 4 weeks. Just very strange....I realize....of course....that it all could be coincidental, but it seems highly improbable at this point. Not sure what to do with that...

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Very cool. Stay close to our Lord and Maker. He is what will get us through any looming crazy times.

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