All my news comes through memes.

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I thought that Harry Robins wrote a book that you were reviewing! I thought, "what a clever way to talk about this topic." It wasn't until the footnotes that I realized it was just a published screed. Alas.

You have me expecting more, all of the time! Keep up the goodwork.

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That is a great idea....a review of a fictional book...I will see where this leads...I did do a bookcover for a fictional book sometime back:


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The big institutions have become way too powerful. Along with the media who have promoted their narratives and global decisions have created an increasingly toxic and forceful atmosphere where by debate is not required.

I seriously believe that a counter institution by the global population for the global population would have to be crossed first before the UN and Nato etc can even make any major changes.

Firstly the geo engineering has to be stopped before it kills everything.

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