Net Zero Will Destroy You and Everything You Care About by Jack King
Jack's angry. He has every right to be.
Jack King’s newest book, Net Zero Will Destroy You and Everything You Care About, is a kind of Pensées for the last four years. It has 180 sections that can be a quote, a thought or many paragraphs. He doesn’t spend much time citing references or books. I had the impression he sat down and began writing his thoughts on what he’s seen over the last four years and before that. It’s a quick read and like his last book, Jack is angry. He’s angry at the British Government, the BBC, the current crop of medical professionals and many, many others.
Here are some of my favorite quotes with and without comment:
And so, as a result, everything bad that is happening to our world is happening because a surprisingly small handful of liars, cheats, fraudsters and conspirators have convinced a small but noisy and powerful clique to push forward policies which are designed to destroy you, your family and everything you love.1
There are many, many propagandized, useful idiots participating in the grand charade, this is Hannah Arendt’s the “banality of evil.” We kind of expect totalitarianism to be completely obvious with tanks and soldiers rolling down our residential streets. Turns out it is both more benign and more insidious than that: one hardly knows it’s there until your H.R. department fires you for misgendering your colleague.
I repeat: the floods and the droughts and the famine aren’t caused by industry or cars or aeroplanes or farting cows. They are not caused by the use of fossil fuels. They are being deliberately caused by solar engineering.2
We have noticed this here in Southern California. The skies are simply not as blue as they once were.I chronicled a weekend where the chemtrails flowedfrom dawn to dusk. It made me angry and still does when I see them out. But I haven’t noticed them nearly as much lately. Not sure why that would be, unless it has something to do with the election…time for the despots to be on their best behavior.
The overall aim [of Agenda 21] was to create instability and fear in order to unsettle the world’s citizens.3
Many of the books I’ve been reading of late talk about the brainwashing technique to keep people in fear and on edge constantly. I’ve felt this myself and it’s something I have to fight against. I’ve also found it is really important, even when a source seems credible, even if has been recommended by someone you know, to make sure it is true, to vet it in the best way you can. Not only are the AI algorithms of the elites trying to keep their faithful in line, but they’re also trying keep us off balance, trying to make us feel as if we’re the minority, that we’re losing and that hope is lost.
None of those things are true. We are winning, hence the rapid pace the elites have been pushing the last four years. We ARE the majority and hope is never lost. In The Shawshank Redemption in his letter to Red, Andy writes:
Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.4
These are dangerous times…we’re dealing with a cornered, wounded animal, but as someone wrote to me recently after I wrote, “I hope we win,” she responded, “We will win. Too many waking up.”
Covid was an excuse not a reason.5
It was…
an excuse to shut down small businesses
an excuse to enrich the richest people in the world
an excuse to kill the elderly
an excuse to kill and maim the younger generations
an excuse to take away our freedoms and free speech
an excuse to jail and cancel dissidents
an excuse to steal an election
Creating targets (pulled out of thin air) meant that a bunch of people who knew nothing about vital services such as health, education and crime fighting were effectively in control of health, education and crime fighting. Incompetent professionals were able to behave ever more incompetently.6
This is the problem when bureaucrats and technocrats run things. People can resist. Doctors can resist. But many of them do not. Most of them, we found out during the pandemic, fake as it was, do not. And they are startlingly good at following orders. Why didn’t more police in Canada join the side of freedom? Why do the police in the U.K. simply follow orders and arrest regular, decent people for protesting? The book I just previously reviewed, Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses, is a good start for answers to these questions.
During COVID doctors followed protocols set up by….by….the WHO? Hospital administrators? Psychopaths? These protocols (Ventilators & Remdesivir) killed people that did not have to die. See my review of Jack King’s other book, They Want to Kill Us.
So, for example, GPs frequently label patients as having disorders they do not have, and coerce them into taking drugs they do not need, in order to hit their own targets and to earn more money. Today’s GPs no longer have a direct responsibility to their patients but, too often, regard their patients as a means to an end…Doctors are now merely part of the drug industry’s marketing machinery.7
Some years ago I went in for a routine follow-up after having a blood test. The Nurse Practitioner (I never saw the doctor at this place), sat me down and went through the results with me. My cholesterol was high and my blood pressure was a little high when the nurse took it (it’s always a little high in the doctor’s office). So this practitioner said something like, “So we’re going to get you on a good cholesterol medication, a blood pressure medication….have you had your flu and tetanus shots? No? Okay, we’ll get that done today too.”
I thought it was interesting how this medical professional just assumed I would do all that without question. When I told him I wasn’t going to do any of those things he clearly was not happy with me. I asked, “Why wouldn’t you suggest diet to deal with cholesterol? Can I make some diet changes?” “Sure, suit yourself,” he said. That was back when I thought the medical communities “settled science” on cholesterol was legitimate. It’s not (big surprise, right?). See the Midwestern Doctor’s article on this.
We underestimate the woke at our peril.8
I think of the woke as useful idiots, but useful idiots can still be dangerous. Hannah Arendt wrote in The Life of the Mind, “The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.” It’s important, and really important now, to pick a side: freedom or tyranny. Bouncing around in an illusionary middle ground is not going to cut it.
The woke are patronising and superior and their hypocrisy is staggering. Their communal sense of entitlement is paraded with astonishing hubris.9
“Astonishing” is absolutely correct. They seem to have no self-awareness. They’re part of cult, not a political movement.
The woke are dangerous, not just because they are wrong about everything but because they are blinkered.10
Love that word, “blinkered.” It means to have blinders on or not be able to see what is happening around you because of tunnel vision. The Brits have some great words.
Can we stop their Net Zero plans?
Of course we can – if we fight hard enough.
We can stop them by sharing the truth with as many people as possible. Most people still don’t realise how close we are to the end of life as we know it.11
I recently read someone, can’t remember who, who called this “normalcy bias.” It’s an inability to believe that our normal lives, what we have known for decades, can drastically change. People have the same problem trying to wrap their heads around evil people, around psychopaths. It doesn’t fit into their known experience, hence it’s hard to believe anyone could be as evil as they are.
King makes of list of the conspiracy theories believed by those working at Facebook, Google, YouTube, the BBC and any Mainstream Media outlet:
“Your government cares for you
The covid pandemic was real
Lockdowns helped save millions of people from a death worse than life. Politicians are driven by a desire to do good.
The mainstream media provides an honest, reliable account of things happening in the world.
Drug companies are staffed by kind, good-hearted people who want to do good and save lives.
Electric cars run on special, magical electricity which is free and comes out of wires hidden under the ground.
All vaccines are wonderful and perfectly safe and we should all have lots of them, at least daily if possible.
The virus which caused covid was invented in a laboratory in China and then spread around the world to make money for Chinese companies producing masks and PCR tests.
The WHO is working to save the world from disease.
The BBC is a news organisation which can be trusted.
Our climate is changing rapidly, within five years the seas will have evaporated and the whole world will be ablaze.
Bankers are decent people who deserve every penny they are paid. NATO is helping to save us from World War III.
The United Nations exists to bring peace and food to poor people.
Anyone who drives a car or who eats food is a danger to the future of the world.”12[bullet listing these is my addition]
That’s a good list.
Why do surgeons perform so much unnecessary surgery that makes them rich and helps pay for huge houses, large German cars and exotic holidays? Why, indeed.13
King (not his real name) practiced medicine for over 40 years, so he is qualified to make this assessment.
Facebook, Google, YouTube, Wikipedia and the BBC are the most evil, oppressive, corrosive and malignant forces on the planet. The people employed by these organisations are corrupt and have done more harm to humanity as a whole and to individual citizens than any ten evil dictators in history. I’m quite serious. The worst thing they have done has been to suppress debate and prevent the truth from being published.14
Think about what they did. I remember when the Hunter Biden laptop story first broke, I remember almost sighing with relief thinking Biden was now done (silly, ignorant me!). How about RFK Jr? By simply ignoring him, they suppressed his campaign. Trump just said that if that had not happened Bobby may have very easily been the nominee for the Democrats, but the only thing their base knows about him is that he is one of those “vaccine conspiracy” dudes. The Mainstream Media is one of our biggest foes. Maybe the biggest.
The constant drip drip of lies from politicians and the mainstream media will convince millions that the lies are true. And those of us sharing the truth are going to be increasingly suppressed, oppressed and demonised.15
Elementary by Bob Moran. Used by permission. View or Buy Print.
And it is the drip, drip that gets people.
On television. Drip.
In movies. Drip.
On Facebook. Drip.
In Google searches. Drip.
On Netflix. Drip.
In The New York Times. Drip.
On CNN. Drip.
On billboards. Drip.
On the radio. Drip…drip…drip.
If people are constantly taking in all this propaganda, even if they don’t at first agree with it, they will be affected by it whether they want to be or not.
Almost everything bad that is happening now, and almost everything bad that is going to happen, is a result of the criminally wicked and completely unnecessary Net Zero policies which are currently being followed in countries around the world.16
They do want to kill us.
Remember, all of this is going to happen unless we stop it. And voting isn’t going to make any difference at all. In order to stop what is happening we need to tell more people what is happening and, more importantly, why it is happening. We are fighting a propaganda war. We need to demand an honest media and we need to put pressure on dishonest politicians. Share the truth as widely as you can. Explain about the Great Reset and explain that climate change and Net Zero are a massive fraud.17
King, Jack. Net Zero Will Destroy You and Everything You Care About (p. 7). Kindle Edition.
p. 19
p. 27
GoodReads, "The Shawshank Redemption > Quotes > Quotable Quote," accessed on August 22, 2024,
King, Jack, p. 40
p. 45
p. 49
p. 54
p. 55
p. 55
p. 75
pp. 81-82
p. 88
pp. 94-95
p. 97
p. 114
p. 117
This book review also appears on my website, The Asylum. The website also has several things that are not possible to do on Substack: The World Economic Forum Members Reference (thanks to Dr. Malone), quotes, a large resources section, a robust search feature and some other things unique to the site: quizzes, word games and leaked communications.
All my news comes through memes.
I thought that Harry Robins wrote a book that you were reviewing! I thought, "what a clever way to talk about this topic." It wasn't until the footnotes that I realized it was just a published screed. Alas.
You have me expecting more, all of the time! Keep up the goodwork.