The MSM wants to assure everyone that cattle are not CURRENTLY being inoculated with mRNA vaccines. Stop worrying about it and go back to a Netflix binge and eat some genetically modified veggies!
I'm curious as to whether imams and rabbis have declared mRNA-treated meat as halal or not.
Because losing a potential 2 000 000 000 customers... nope. Not that I'm religious as such (especially not the cults of the god of Abraham) but whatever serves purpose is good, so to speak.
It's been impossible to get straight answers on this topic re: insects in human food from our swedish FDA-equivalent. They are so "skitibyx" (pants-crappingly afraid) for any political backlash that they dare not say whether bug food will be marked or not.
From what I've understood from moslems here, insects are haram unless it's that ordeath by starvation. Maybe the religious angle could work since reason and science both have either died or are busy spreading their legs for profit.
I too read some stuff this week about them putting on fruit. It’s a tad disturbing for sure.
I'm curious as to whether imams and rabbis have declared mRNA-treated meat as halal or not.
Because losing a potential 2 000 000 000 customers... nope. Not that I'm religious as such (especially not the cults of the god of Abraham) but whatever serves purpose is good, so to speak.
It's been impossible to get straight answers on this topic re: insects in human food from our swedish FDA-equivalent. They are so "skitibyx" (pants-crappingly afraid) for any political backlash that they dare not say whether bug food will be marked or not.
From what I've understood from moslems here, insects are haram unless it's that ordeath by starvation. Maybe the religious angle could work since reason and science both have either died or are busy spreading their legs for profit.