Excellent review. Thanks for sharing it. I have a couple of shorter essays that Dugin wrote on Traditionalism: One is on how Evola's traditionalism influenced Russian dissident philosophical thought in the 70s, or so (that is to say, the influence on Dugin himself, but he mentions others). The other is a more recent piece within a book that is more generally about the concept of Traditionalism and its progenitors and its development over the past 100 years or so. Dugin's piece is more or less the introductory essay and is specifically about the Guenon and language of Traditionalism. It's a Kindle book (for now) so I'm trying to see how to extract a portion of it and convert to pdf form without too much trouble. If you're interested I can send them to you.

Also, as a side note regarding both Dugin and, especially, Russia right now, there are a couple of interesting (to me) statements by Edgar Cayce on Russia back from 1932 and 1944. [I don't read Cayce a lot but I know people who do and, as with most aspects of this Awakening time, I feel we must be ready to triangulate "the truth" from as many different perspectives as necessary. How seriously we take Cayce, well, I suppose the mileage varies, as with anyone, but these readings are, as I said, especially interesting because of their timeframe as well as the hopeful message they present in light of what we are seeing right now "from Russia", except not from the mainstream media.

Anyway, here it is from (I think) the cayce.org website (took a screen capture of what I found but did not record the source):

"Edgar Cayce gave 29 readings from 1921 to 1944 that have been grouped together as 'World Affairs Readings' ... These readings twice mention that 'out of Russia will come the hope of the world.' ... The first statement, given in 1932, specifically mentions Russia's gradual religious development. The second, given in 1944, seems to suggest that it is rather the concern of the Russian people for their fellow man that is the basis for this hope. There is also a suggestion that an equitable partnership between Russia and the United States could become beneficial for both as Russia possesses more raw resources than any other nation and the U.S. has better abilities to develop those resources."

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The Cayce quote is very interesting. Thanks for all this.

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Sorry, I did not realize how long my comment was until I posted.

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No apology necessary!

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I agree with most of what you are saying, but I am sorry to say that I think that Trump is controlled opposition. I did not come to this view lightly, as I voted for him twice. I saw that he was not on our side after he kept crowing about the big, beautiful mRNA clot shot "vaccines" two years after every other sensible person knew that they were poison. Also, his support of Israel and the fact he is surrounded by Zionists also shows that he is not on our side. Supremacist jews appear to be the ones at the top of the group waging this war on humanity.

We Live in a Fake System


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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Author

I don’t agree with Trump on his vaccine stance. Hopefully RFK, Jr. can talk some sense into him.

The whole “Trump is controlled opposition” is something I have thought about, but it just doesn’t work for me. So they rigged the 2016 election so he could win, then they had him make America energy independent, create more jobs and attempt to fix immigration. They told him to insult the Globalists, the Leftists, change the Supreme Court and not to start any wars. They told him to really get the country humming along economically. And they told him, we’re going to insult you incessantly and the people who voted for you.

Then in 2020 they decided to make it look like they stole the election from him. Instead of just riding off into the sunset they told him to rally the troops and push hard for reelection in 2024. Then they did a fake assassination attempt….just to make him that much more popular so they could get rid of Biden…..and on and on. So RFK, Jr. is in on it too? Steve Bannon? Naomi Wolf? Steve Kirsch? Etc. Etc. They’re all in on it….whatever the hell “it” is?

I don’t buy it. There is plenty of other stuff going on that we know is nefarious (much that you listed in your link) that we can focus on instead of trying to figure out exactly what Trump’s or anyone else’s motives are.

That being said, I don’t think Trump getting elected will fix everything. People waking up and fighting back is the way back. Without millions and millions of us fighting back worldwide, regardless of who gets elected where, we cannot win.

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>>That being said, I don’t think Trump getting elected will fix everything. People waking up and fighting back is the way back. Without millions and millions of us fighting back worldwide, regardless of who gets elected where, we cannot win.

I agree.

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