I started leaving the comment, on substack, if people believed we'd have elections this year at the end of last year. I got "likes," but no replies with opinions until late Spring this year.

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I don't see them just letting us have an election THEY KNOW they will lose if it's even close to fair.

el gato malo wrote:

"consider the mar a lago raid. it’s perfect no lose for the attacker. it victimizes and vilifies the accused with public prostration for secret reasons. it’s messy, public, and lacking in context of proportion.

it’s the equivalent of using seal team 6 to hand out jaywalking tickets.

it’s the equivalent of throwing the people’s tribune in the tiber and then acting shocked that the proles are angry.

it’s not designed to actually prove anything criminal. that’s not the point and it’s almost certainly a loser.

it’s a statement, a provocation.

it’s to prove the power you have and demonstrate your will to use it."

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