Unmasking the Monster
How do we unmask the Government and Mainstream Media in front of those who do not see the lies and propaganda?
Back in April of 2021 I went on a small vacation with friend to the Prescott Valley, Arizona area (where I used to live). We talked a lot about lockdowns and the vaccines and we hiked and ate out everyday. We're both in fairly decent shape for a couple of 60 plus year-olds. Neither one of us was vaccinated and did not have any intention of getting vaccinated...or so I thought. A month later we met for dinner and he off-handedly mentioned that he had gotten vaccinated so he "could travel."
I was devastated, caught off guard and had no idea what to say to him. Fast forward to June of 2023 and we take the same trip to Arizona, my friend ends up in the backseat of the car and on the couch most of the trip with symptoms (fatigue and sciatic nerve issues) he attributes to the vaccine. He's angry at himself and admitted he wishes he had never taken the jab. He regrets it terribly.
I also have a friend who lives in Arizona who asked me in 2021 if I and my family had gotten vaccinated. I told him no and that we had no intention of doing so. It was easy to see the disapproval from a man almost old enough to be my father, but we left it at that. A year or so later I heard he had a blood clot in his carotid artery and had to have it removed. Some months after that he was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
I visit my old haunts quite often and saw this friend a few months ago. He confided in me that after the vaccination he lost all his motivation (he's retired and in his early eighties). When I lived there he built beautiful furniture for his home. He's a meticulous woodworker and I'd often stroll across the street to have a beer and see what he was working on...but no more. He says he has neither the energy or the motivation for it. He's planning to sell all his tools. He also told me he wishes he had never taken the "damned" vaccine, but he thought he was doing the right thing.
I've thought for a long time that most people are not going to see the light until a vaccine tragedy hits them personally. It might be a personal injury like my friends are experiencing or a death or injury to someone close: a family member or friend.
One of my friends told me he would believe the vaccines were not safe and effective only when one of our friends died from it. That exchange caused me to write "The Car Injured". Van Morrison asks the question in the title of his album: "What's it gonna take?" I guess my friend's answer will suffice—at least for him.
Facts don't mean anything to those who have been propagandized. If your "facts" are propaganda and lies and you believe them, you can logically fend off the truth with the lies you've been fed. I've experienced this with a couple of my friends. One of them said to me, while I was discussing the Great Barrington Declaration with him, "Look, I'm not going to believe some guy writing from his basement." I looked at him with dismay and said, "Come on, D—, that's not who I'm reading. You know that." He reluctantly admitted his comment was out of line, but it confirms where he's getting his information. I'm not going to convince him with facts, that possibility probably disappeared when his doctor told him he was one of the very few who was unfortunate enough to get Covid after being vaccinated.
So how do we reach these people? How do we change their minds? C.J. Hopkins writes in his book, The Rise of the New Normal Reich:
So we need to adopt a different strategy. We need to make the monster show itself, not to those of us who can already see it, but to the New Normal masses, the Covidian Cultists.
I've been thinking about this a lot and asking myself what this means in practical terms. If a Covidian Cultists's family member dies and it begins to occur to them that the vaccine did this, that the government did this, that they have been lied to all along, they may very likely begin to see the light.
But how do we reach the others who have not experienced this or are unable to connect the dots? If facts, figures, statistics, sudden deaths and peer-reviewed papers have no impact, how do we unmask the monster?
One possibility, and I have not been able to try this yet, would be to push them hard on how we got here: the propaganda we ALL saw with our own eyes beginning in 2020, that is, we don't have to resort to our favorite Substack articles to prove our points. We all saw this and maybe by pushing hard on the absurdities of what we all experienced some of the bamboozled will start to think about it and question what has been happening the last three-and-a-half years.
I wonder if just taking people down memory lane and simply asking questions like:
Doesn't it seem odd to you that the lockdowns and vaccine rollouts began at the same time and in the same way all around the world?
Why did they leave all the box stores open, but not small businesses and churches during the lockdowns? If you could go into Costco, why couldn't you go into your church?
When have you ever seen the amount of advertising on radio, social media and television we saw for these vaccines? Does that raise any red flags for you?
What about all the celebrities, politicians and sport figures encouraging us to get vaccinated? Have you ever seen that before? Isn't there something odd about that?
Governments were offering money and food to people to get vaccinated. Don't you think that's strange?
Did you see the comedy shows with those dancing syringes and songs about getting vaccinated? Seriously?
What about the narrative changing all the time? We went from you won't get or transmit Covid, to you can still get Covid, but it won't be as bad. Doesn't that seem odd? It just seems like something is not right there.
Remember all the talking heads and politicians attacking the unvaccinated? Were you okay with that? Didn't that seem out of line to you?
Remember in restaurants? You had to wear a mask when you walked in, but you could take it off once you sat down. Does that make any sense at all?
Remember before the election all those people saying they would never take a "Trump" vaccine, then immediately after the election everyone jumped on board? Don't you find that a little odd?
There will of course be answers and excuses, but I'm thinking we just keep pushing. "Come on, you can't be serious? You think that's normal? Under any other circumstances would you accept that?" Hopkins wrote:
You do not do that [take down a cult] by being polite, conciliatory, or avoiding conflict. You do that by generating as much internal conflict within the cult as you can.
The idea is we take what everybody has seen so there can be no arguing about "the facts" and show them the absurdity of what we all experienced. We unmask the monster. It would not work on all people, but maybe, just maybe it would work on some.
I wouldn't expect it to work during the encounter, discussion or argument, but rather later when the person has a little time to reflect and to confront the "internal conflict" with the the propaganda they accepted and their common sense.
I'm going to try this the next time I have the opportunity.
Buy the book: I'm Nobody. Who Are You? Can We Save the World?
Some comments on the book:
“It’s a cool gift for a fellow-dissident friend that can relate to the material. It’s like reading a war journal by someone you never met that was in the same conflict as you; you mostly read it for the good feelings you have as you nod along in agreement and reinforce the neural pathways that got fired up as you lived through your particular shared-but-unshared moment of history’s hell.” —Guttermouth from The Gutter
“I received your book today, and I can now honestly say, I couldn’t put it down. I read it from cover to cover, flipping pages with anticipation and delight. I read words and sentences that sounded as though they were flowing from my own mind (even to the point of reading the sentences that “filled that empty space” at the very end).
I will review. I will share. I will continue the fight of the nobodies of the world.” — John here on Substack
"This was a fun and very funny book, written in an interesting and innovative style. We’re all basically inmates in this open-air asylum known as Western Civilization in 2023. Here’s an enjoyable letter from a fellow inmate to lift your spirits, let you know you’re not alone, and inspire you with the possibility that maybe there are enough kindred spirits that we can change this world for the better. For anyone who feels like our postmodern culture has gone completely crazy, this book will be a thoroughly enjoyable read." — Mr. Thursday, Amazon Review
"A great way to spend an hour or so. The words of so many who love freedom, but who have never written them for others to embrace, are now available in short order and short form.
If you love freedom, reality and truth, all sprinkled with levity, more honesty and bit of snarky meme, this book will delight.
We can, we must, and we will save the world." — John, Amazon Review
This article also appears on my website, The Asylum. The website also has several things that are not possible to do on Substack: The World Economic Forum Members Reference (thanks to Dr. Malone), Red State/Blue State reference showing Senate and House percentages by party affiliation, quotes, a large resources section, a robust search feature and some other things unique to the site: quizzes, word games and leaked communications. These latter three are satirical and funny, at least in my mind, but you'll have to be the ultimate judge on that.
The thing I remember most about the pandemic was the wrong way they "fought" it. They locked down the people who weren't sick and let the sick people out.
I remember thinking that it went against 500 years of disease prevention. You quarantine the sick, and let the well people work and go about their daily lives.
Then there was the term "Lockdown:" That's not a medical word, that's a prison word. Lockdowns happen when a whole group of inmates break the rules. you lock them all in their cells and they don't get out to recreate or go outside.
I also remember thinking that people were dumb to fall for this flu bug and take an untested injection.
Thanks for sharing the stories about your friends. I'm not ready to share my own personal stories, maybe I never will, they are painful, but believe me, I understand where you're coming from. My own path towards healing and helping others has been to spend the last 2 years transcribing video and some audio of testimonies, many of jab injuries, for the historical record. I won't be doing this indefinitely because, in a way, less is more. I would hope that my curated list of transcriptions might be something that a future historian could get through in 2 - 3 days, and so form a larger picture of events in 2021-2023.
I also hope that perhaps some of those people who have begun to suspect, or who in fact know, they have been jab injured, might read through my list of transcriptions and find echoes of their own stories, and much other testimony of relevance to open their eyes.
If anyone wants to see the list of transcriptions, it is here: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/
(I just use Substack to spotlight entries and post updates to the list.)
What stands out to me is how many of the injured took the jabs did so without ever, ever imagining that they might be injured, nor ever, ever suspecting that they might have been lied to by their doctor and by their government authorities. It's the beyond-ghastly pain of injury that woke them up-- that in itself, plus, in most cases I have transcribed, the horror of gaslighting. They have been terribly, unjustly mistreated, and they recognized that. And then, with a few Internet searches, lo and behold, they found others, thousands of others, experiencing similar things. They posted something about their experience on FB, it was removed. They posted on Instagram, it was removed. Etc. etc. etc. Basically, these people who thought they were doing the right thing, helping their family and their community, are being told, you don't matter, not at all, and by the way, shut up.
I wouldn't wish that hell on anyone. But it's a hell many, many people are going through, and will go through.
I am beginning to ever more deeply appreciate that many people are simply unable to get their minds around the idea that they might have been lied to because to do so would then unmoor so much else in their lives. And, those who do get it that they were conned, they are ashamed. That is such a dreadful kind of pain. Of course they don't appreciate the unvaxxed "rubbing it in." This may change, but this is what I see now, where I live among the multiply-jabbed, summer 2023.
Yes, it is important to keep speaking out. And it is also important to get involved in local politics-- to vote OUT the people who would impose medical tyranny, and vote IN those who support medical freedom.