The thing I remember most about the pandemic was the wrong way they "fought" it. They locked down the people who weren't sick and let the sick people out.

I remember thinking that it went against 500 years of disease prevention. You quarantine the sick, and let the well people work and go about their daily lives.

Then there was the term "Lockdown:" That's not a medical word, that's a prison word. Lockdowns happen when a whole group of inmates break the rules. you lock them all in their cells and they don't get out to recreate or go outside.

I also remember thinking that people were dumb to fall for this flu bug and take an untested injection.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023Liked by The Inmate

I agree. I found it all so bizarre. And it was also something I noticed, ten alarms blaring, when the fact that it was experimental was so quickly suppressed. It was clearly stated in the Emergency Use Authorization that it was experimental, to take a jab would be to participate in a clinical trial, but then in the weeks and months as the "vaccine" rollout proceeded, Internet searches would not turn up anything about the jabs being "experimental." Most people I know blithely assumed that "authorized" = "approved," and you couldn't tell them otherwise or they'd accuse you of reading "conspiracy garbage."

(Now, it's clear, FDA approval doesn't mean bullshale anyway.)

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Here is the US government webpage explaining Emergency Use Authorization:


If you read it carefully, you will find that by taking a covid "vaccine" you are in fact participating in a phase 3 trial, that is, an experiment.

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I'm glad that I didn't take the vaccine. Some insurance companies consider it to be an Experimental drug, which could void your insurance.

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Those companies should have been shouting that out from the rooftops. Why didn’t they? 🤔

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Why didn't they? Because if they did, they couldn't deny insurance payouts when people died from the Vaxx.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023Liked by The Inmate

Thanks for sharing the stories about your friends. I'm not ready to share my own personal stories, maybe I never will, they are painful, but believe me, I understand where you're coming from. My own path towards healing and helping others has been to spend the last 2 years transcribing video and some audio of testimonies, many of jab injuries, for the historical record. I won't be doing this indefinitely because, in a way, less is more. I would hope that my curated list of transcriptions might be something that a future historian could get through in 2 - 3 days, and so form a larger picture of events in 2021-2023.

I also hope that perhaps some of those people who have begun to suspect, or who in fact know, they have been jab injured, might read through my list of transcriptions and find echoes of their own stories, and much other testimony of relevance to open their eyes.

If anyone wants to see the list of transcriptions, it is here: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/

(I just use Substack to spotlight entries and post updates to the list.)

What stands out to me is how many of the injured took the jabs did so without ever, ever imagining that they might be injured, nor ever, ever suspecting that they might have been lied to by their doctor and by their government authorities. It's the beyond-ghastly pain of injury that woke them up-- that in itself, plus, in most cases I have transcribed, the horror of gaslighting. They have been terribly, unjustly mistreated, and they recognized that. And then, with a few Internet searches, lo and behold, they found others, thousands of others, experiencing similar things. They posted something about their experience on FB, it was removed. They posted on Instagram, it was removed. Etc. etc. etc. Basically, these people who thought they were doing the right thing, helping their family and their community, are being told, you don't matter, not at all, and by the way, shut up.

I wouldn't wish that hell on anyone. But it's a hell many, many people are going through, and will go through.

I am beginning to ever more deeply appreciate that many people are simply unable to get their minds around the idea that they might have been lied to because to do so would then unmoor so much else in their lives. And, those who do get it that they were conned, they are ashamed. That is such a dreadful kind of pain. Of course they don't appreciate the unvaxxed "rubbing it in." This may change, but this is what I see now, where I live among the multiply-jabbed, summer 2023.

Yes, it is important to keep speaking out. And it is also important to get involved in local politics-- to vote OUT the people who would impose medical tyranny, and vote IN those who support medical freedom.

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Thanks for the work you're doing. I think it's important.

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Thank you for your kind words. And thank you for speaking out.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023Liked by The Inmate

What incredible work you’ve done! Everyone needs to see this. I do transcriptions too but using AI; your work is indeed a prayer, a labor of love. Thank you!

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Thank you for your kind words.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023Liked by The Inmate

It’s all in here: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/445

“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”—Gustave Le Bon, The Crowd, 1895

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Nice post. The response by most people who got these untested, experimental, ultra-dangerous mRNA vaccines is *maybe, at most* some mild to moderate discomfort that they got them, with no follow up thoughts: what about their internal natures made them get it? Who did they listen to and why? What lessons did they learn so they won't get fooled again? But these questions require a degree of introspection, and an admission of a faulty thought process and worldview, that most people simply don't want to or are incapable of self-reflecting on. Instead, for the vast majority of these people who got the death jab, they have and continue to choose to basically pretend like the last 3 years of hell never happened, and they want to get back to their lives. And I have very little doubt that most of these people, or maybe all of them, will fall for the next Current Thing hysteria, whatever it happens to be.

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Most of me agrees with you, but I do wonder with such low uptake on the vaccines, at least here in the states, if we, at the very least, will not see as many fall for the bullshit. I hope so. I have a vaccinated friend who is not going to get any more shots (so he says). I pressed him on why and he refused tell me. I pressed him hard. "I don't need it," is all he would say. I think he knows, but doesn't want to admit it to me. Thanks for the response, I appreciate it.

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I am seeing this also. The subject is taboo. But they're not getting more shots.

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Thanks for sharing, Glen...very enlightening.

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